And then, years later… There’s a bit of hand/eye activity this year, although the hand hurts and the eye is dim. I share a few recent pages here (all the while feeling that showing the sketchbook is akin to showing one’s knickers.) Perhaps will dip and swim through the archives someday. I see that the pages are not showing well in the previews… please click on them a couple of times to see clearly.
Sketchbook Post

what, is it really four years later? How could I have pissed away all that time when I could at least sort of still hold a drawing implement, and the pain wasn't quite so bad. Oh, well, these broken bones and torn ligaments in my right hand are said to be healing. I'll be back up to a level a few notches below my previous low point any time now, perhaps with hours left to whip out a life's work right before the end.