I think I read this story about Elone when I was a kid

Something has been falling into place for me about Elong Musk that others don’t seem to be saying, at least not much or in the popular leftist commentaries I’m seeing. It appears that he is not just another rapacious capitalist, rampant narcissist and regular bully. He is all those things; but he is likely more: a true megalomaniac. He sees himself as a prophet. Nay, a saviour; first of ‘western civilization’ (which he is probably using as a euphemism) and further of humanity itself. The last hope for humanity given the doomed nature of this planet. He may well have had some science-fiction fueled revelations while on major psychedelic trips. I can relate to that. I would have saved humanity myself a couple of times if I had seen a way to gather the resources. He, however, does see a way to control all the leftover resources of the doomed planet and shoot humanities seed into space. Or, maybe just his seed. This could be why he keeps causing all these women to push out his progeny. He envisions the universe being populated with his superior DNA. First Mars, then the stars.

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